♥ gives me hope
Som många vet finns det ju en sida som heter FML där folk delar med sig av allt hemskt som hänt dem och avslutar varje inlägg med FML (= Fuck My Life). Det är visserligen emellanåt ganska roligt att läsa (då många är relativt komiska och cyniska) men nu har jag dock upptäckt en mycket mysigare sida: GMH (= Gives Me Hope). Där berättar folk om massor av fina, tårdrypande och gripande saker som ger dem hopp i tillvaron. Där finns också en undersida (LGMH = Love Gives Me Hope) som är helt tillängnad kärleken. I stort sett alla inlägg får mina ögon att börja tåras och mig lite klyschigt att utbrista: "Åh!". Här är i alla fall några av mina favoriter från inläggen på topplistan:
♥ I was on the bus on my way to the mall, when a homeless man sat next to me. He saw that I was looking at the bouquet of flowers he held, and told me that they were for his wife because today is her birthday. As he got off the bus, he walked into the cemetery and placed the flowers on his wife's grave. A love that never dies GMH.
♥ My boyfriend was eager to meet my Mom, despite my various protests. I pulled into the parking lot of the cemetery where she's buried, expecting him to completely freak out. When we approached her grave, he sat down, said hello, and talked with her for an hour about how lucky he was to have me. LGMH
♥ My best friend, whom I have always loved dearly, lives four hundred miles away. While on the phone, he asks, "What would you do if I showed up at your house and told you I've always loved you with all my heart and soul?" I replied, "I would be astonished." I heard a knock on my door.
♥ In high school, my best friend and I swore that we would never date. Our friends laughed, and joked that they would quote us on that at our wedding. They did.
♥ My grandpa is 85 years old. Today, I just found out that ever since his wife, his true love, had died, he put roses on her grave every Sunday. The drive is 2 hours away from where he lives. She was 29 when she died. This devotion GMH.
♥ I was at the mall the other day when I saw an old couple sitting together. The man looked over at the woman and said, "Jane, we did it. We grew old together." The look in her eyes GMH.
♥ This morning, as I was about to leave for work, my boyfriend danced into the kitchen singing a made up song consisting of only my name, over and over. When he saw me, he turned red and said "Oh, you're still here". Sneaking a peak in the daily routine of someone who really loves me GMH.
♥ I was on the bus on my way to the mall, when a homeless man sat next to me. He saw that I was looking at the bouquet of flowers he held, and told me that they were for his wife because today is her birthday. As he got off the bus, he walked into the cemetery and placed the flowers on his wife's grave. A love that never dies GMH.
♥ My boyfriend was eager to meet my Mom, despite my various protests. I pulled into the parking lot of the cemetery where she's buried, expecting him to completely freak out. When we approached her grave, he sat down, said hello, and talked with her for an hour about how lucky he was to have me. LGMH
♥ My best friend, whom I have always loved dearly, lives four hundred miles away. While on the phone, he asks, "What would you do if I showed up at your house and told you I've always loved you with all my heart and soul?" I replied, "I would be astonished." I heard a knock on my door.
♥ In high school, my best friend and I swore that we would never date. Our friends laughed, and joked that they would quote us on that at our wedding. They did.
♥ My grandpa is 85 years old. Today, I just found out that ever since his wife, his true love, had died, he put roses on her grave every Sunday. The drive is 2 hours away from where he lives. She was 29 when she died. This devotion GMH.
♥ I was at the mall the other day when I saw an old couple sitting together. The man looked over at the woman and said, "Jane, we did it. We grew old together." The look in her eyes GMH.
♥ This morning, as I was about to leave for work, my boyfriend danced into the kitchen singing a made up song consisting of only my name, over and over. When he saw me, he turned red and said "Oh, you're still here". Sneaking a peak in the daily routine of someone who really loves me GMH.
Postat av: Ester
tack så himla mycket för din kommentar, det är ju min dröm, så det känns så dumt att backa nu liksom... Sjukt söta texter, nu ska jag in på sidan och läsa mera, blev helt varm innombords! <3
Postat av: elin
det är dessutom samma person som skapat givesmehope som har skapat mugglenet.com, den största (men inte bästa obs obs!!!!11) harry potter-hemsidan. han är ett geni!